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Ranking cities by weather

Let’s analyze data from from the last 10 years to compare weather (technically “climate”) in a selection of North American cities.

If we define a “nice day” as one where

we get:

City Probability of nice day
San Diego 0.27
Los Angeles 0.23
San Francisco 0.22
Raleigh 0.22
Austin 0.2
Vancouver 0.19
New York 0.19
Cambridge 0.19
Chicago 0.16
Ottawa 0.16
Toronto 0.15

What are the nicest months to visit Toronto?

Month Average number of nice days in Toronto
January 0
February 2.9
March 9.0
April 4.7
May 1.2
June 0.4
July 0.5
August 4.0
September 12.1
October 15.8
November 2.4
December 0

If we define a “sunny day” as one where

we get:

City Probability of sunny day
Los Angeles 0.69
Austin 0.56
San Francisco 0.49
Raleigh 0.46
San Diego 0.45
New York 0.33
Cambridge 0.32
Chicago 0.26
Toronto 0.23
Vancouver 0.2
Ottawa 0.18

What are the sunniest months to visit Toronto?

Month Average number of sunny days in Toronto
January 0
February 0
March 0.7
April 2.6
May 10.0
June 12.5
July 17.9
August 17.8
September 15.1
October 6.1
November 0.4
December 0

Lastly, if we define a “warm day” as one where

we get:

City Probability of warm day
San Diego 0.5
San Francisco 0.45
Los Angeles 0.37
Vancouver 0.33
Raleigh 0.28
New York 0.25
Austin 0.25
Ottawa 0.23
Toronto 0.23
Cambridge 0.22
Chicago 0.21

What are the warmest months to visit Toronto?

Month Average number of warm days in Toronto
January 0
February 0.3
March 1.8
April 6.9
May 11.7
June 11.5
July 4.8
August 10.2
September 19.9
October 13.7
November 2.1
December 0.1
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